LVBF (english)

Lucas V. B. Ferres

Programmer working with games… and some other stuff

I’ve worked:

at Rowbots (2015-2019), on the projects:

Dedig (2015-2019), as a Unity programmer focused mainly on the games themselves. The game consisted of multiple minigames to teach portuguese and math to children

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Other Rowbots projects I’ve worked on at the time:

Metropolitan (2017), programming interactions and networking using UNET


and Totem (2016), programming the PC part of the gameplay


Afterwards, at 2Safe (2019), I worked as a front-end programmer (using Bootstrap and AngularJS). I was responsible for fixing problems here and there on the website’s pages.

From 2019 to 2024, I worked at I9Ação as a Unity and back-end programmer, developing serious mobile games, mostly for enterprises’ onboarding processes.


Non-work projects:

Cinema_Bump_2021-06-28_00-22-21Cinema Bump, from the 2021 Game Jam

  • Beetle Escape (2014) (took care of the audio assets and the related Java calls)
  • Blind Frog (2014) (developed the game based on friends’ ideas)
  • Kapsulaz (2014) (developed the game based on tutorials; also made the assets)


fim_parqueReviver, from the 2022 Game Jam

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